1) What were your feelings when you first picked the booklet up to read?

2) What are your thoughts about the front page and title of the booklet?

3) What are your thoughts on the pictures used in the booklet? Did they encourage you to read further? Are any changes needed?

4) What are your thoughts on the size and style of the letters used? Suggest changes if needed.

5) How would you describe the reading level of the booklet, for example, “difficult-to-read?” “not easy-to-read?” “hard-to-read?” “easy-to-read?” Was there a section that you found too technical or difficult or hard to understand? If so, which section? What changes are needed?

6) What topics were most interesting and useful to you?

7) What activities can be added to the lists related to physical activity (pp. 23-25) that are popular in your community?

8) Are there other foods which are frequently consumed in your community that are not listed or would make good examples: What other “go, slow” and “whoa” foods should be added to the lists? p. 16.

9) What are your thoughts on the section “What can my family and I do to encourage a healthy weight?” (pp. 4-6). Are the strategies suggested realistic for your family to follow? Explain your answer.

10) Are there other topics, information or thoughts that should be added to the booklet that would cause/encourage you to make needed changes in your eating and physical activity habits?

11) This fall, we plan to carry out a nutrition and physical activity campaign in the parish, focused on preventing overweight and obesity in children. What aspects of your culture should be included in the program that would make it special for you, and parents like you and therefore increase the likelihood of acceptance of the program?